Monday, August 11, 2008

Party Boy

Calvin's Birthday Party was all about him. Tuna and Chicken for the animules, wine for the peoples. I thought we all had a good time.....although Weezy might disagree.


Archer said...

damn shorty, nice shindig for the pets! i might borrow that pic of you and calvin. it needs to be in my collection. thanks!

Unknown said...

Slow weekend? hahahaha. Seriously that's pretty cool. For Zoe's birthday I'm going to add some water to her bowl and maybe feed her... if she's lucky.

kirsten said...

omg weeeeeezy!!! I must make a doodle cap Right Now. Where my glitter glue at?

Kevin said...

you guys didn't make a hat for peepers?

Chris said...
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Chris said...

Mr Peepers doesn't like to get his feathers ruffled by hats. He's just like that.

meowblack said...

Weezie looks THRILLED!