After calling Brandy with my free hand and asking her what to do, street-bird was quickly returned to the ground. We didn't want another bird. Like Bran said, we just have to let nature take it's course.....this time. He has been lingering around for days now. Just sitting on the steps or near the driveway everyday when we leave or come home. I just walk around him and ignore him like he's a homeless person. We have enough going on with Peeps.
I guess the word in pigeon world is that Mr Peepers has it good because they all just sit around on rooftops and stare at our balcony. We are constantly surrounded. Everybody just wants the good life like this fellow has.
Hahaha... man by the time this is all said and done you guys are gonna have scabies or something... makes my scalp itch. Just kidding. What ever plague Peeps is playing host to will probably not make the jump from bird to human. Hopefully.
Ole Girls in a shoe
There were two ole grrlls who lived in a shoe....They had some many pigeons they didn't know what to do...
Ha. Ha.
Alright, y'all need to stop with the pigeon boarding house. We've actually been trying to kill one in our backyard for a few days now. Andoe finally went out and bought some bullets.
i cant believe what y'all have done for that ugly little bird. i was really impressed with brandy's syringe apparatus to feed him. and by the way--he looks very at home on your shoulder!
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