Saturday, March 8, 2008

Timmy's home.

Well, Timmy made it back where he belongs in the city of drive-thru daiquiri's, go cups, and drinking problems that we do not acknowledge.

To welcome him home, Brandy made his door all pretty.

I got booze, cheese, fruit, two-bite brownies, etc.

Then we drank all this shit and more.

I would give you all a play by play but it's all so damn blurry. I've almost made it to the end of week one. I can assure you how it'll end.

See you in rehab, Mrs. Winehouse!


kirsten said...

holy schmoly, i can't believe it's really happening! i might have to come stage a Group Intervention. Nah, I'll just come get shitfaced with y'all. I'll bring the Patron.

StateofDenial said...

i hate you all. i hate nigeria. i hate two bite brownies almost as much as i hate better chedder.

Unknown said...

That rocks... sounds like you suckas had a good time.

Archer said...

I'm so happy that the Frick and Frack are together once again. Life can now go on.
One question though, did anyone eat the pear?

truedat said...

TIMMMMMAYYY--cant believe he's back in effect at the 5941! Miss the shit out of all of you and the drinking and good food...